Benefits of Membership


Benefits of Membership

As an SCDS Member you have access to our General Membership Meetings (CE and meals) as well as the Suffolk Dental Bulletin (printed and delivered to your designated address) at no charge.  You will have special offers from our sponsors and business partners that are member-only privileges.  One example is a no charge half-hour legal consultation with RivkinRadler our endorsed partner.  If you are a "New Dentist" out of dental school or specialist program for 10 years or less, you have access to exclusive events, specifically targeting the needs of this group which is so critical to the profession.  All our events are great networking opportunities regardless of you practice profile and we strive to make them all inclusive, educational and fun!
  As a member you are included in the FindADentist website listing for patients seeking a dentist.  There is no additional charge for this, it's included in your membership.  Additionally, you can be found, and prideful when you see our ad on News 12, Bravo, The Food Network, FUSE, AMC, Comedy, Discovery, ID, Lifetime, Paramount, TLC, TNT, The Weather Channel, USA and various other digital outlets, as we educate the public on the differences between an ADA Member Dentist and a Non-member.  See the ad here, and as a member gain access to this and other members only content for use on your website and/or your social sites.  It's available only in the members only section of our website.

In addition to all the SCDS membership benefits, you also get all the membership benefits of the New York State Dental Association and the American Dental Association (together, commonly referred to as the Tripartite Organization).  Perhaps the biggest benefit of all is the advocacy provided at the State and National level, where insurance reform and other items critical to the profession and the oral health of the public are moved forward.  Every member makes this effort more effective as there is strength in numbers, and every non-member is not supporting this effort.
NYSDA Benefits
ADA Benefits

MORE -  ADA Membership Delivers!  And check out the Wins in 2024

Join, rejoin, renew your membership today!